Uganda in one week

For all those who want to see a lot in a short time!

We support your individual arrival in Entebbe after we have assisted in selecting your flight. In Entebbe, you will be picked up and taken to your accommodation.

Day 1: After a good breakfast start to Lake Mburo. On the road you will cross the equator and stop at beautiful view points. In the late afternoon your guide will take you on a game drive through the park. He will tell you a lot about the peculiarities of this park. Lake Mburo with 370sq km is the smallest savanna national park in Uganda. A special feature is that the locals with their cattle live in close neighborhood with the wild animals, as the administration of the park consciously integrate inhabitants and  nature. In this way poaching can be stopped and the population is provided with some income and education.

Day 2: The day starts early with a morning game drive through the park. You will be surprised how relaxed the large number of animals encounter  the few visitors. There are many herds of zebras, giraffes, the different deer species, warthogs and buffaloes. Cattle graze peacefully inbetween. In the afternoon you will continue to Queen Elizabeth National Park (QENP).

Day 3: In the morning you will experience a safari tour through the Queen Elizabeth National Park. The almost 2000sqkm large QENP is situated in the west of Uganda and is still very rich of species, although the animals are still regarded as threatened . There are many elephants, warthogs, buffalo herds and you can find lions and leopards. QENP Is one of the famous parks of Uganda. In the afternoon you will observe the impressive animal world from the waterside. A boat trip on the Kazinga Channel is one of the most wonderful experiences in Uganda: hippoes, buffaloes, elephants, crocodiles and many species of birds can be observed in a relaxed atmosphere and at a very close range.

Day 4: In the morning, your guide will take you to another game drive to Yshasha in the southern part of QENP. The famous tree lions live here. Only here you can see lions, that doze on trees during the day. If you are lucky you can discover several lions on one tree and take home wonderful photos and videos.

In the afternoon the tour goes on to Bwindi Impenetrable National Park and towards  The Highlight of your trip, a gorilla tracking in the volcanic mountains of southern Uganda.

Day 5: Your guide will take you to the meeting point early in the morning. They will provide you with more information and in a group to a maximum of 8 visitors you follow the footsteps of the Gorillas from their nightly nest to their current feeding place. An encounter with these gentle giants is one of the most impressive animal encounters in the world. From finding the gorillas there is one  hour of time, to observe, to take pictures and videos  and to enjoy.

For more information about this unique experience, please see our information on gorilla tracking.

Day 6: Drive to Lake Bunyoyi, which is  the most beautiful freshwater lake in Uganda. Lake Bunyuonyi is about 1960 m above sea level and surrounded by cultivated hills, up to 2200m high. It is 25km long and 7km wide and encloses 29 islands.  The name means “place of birds”. 200 different species of birds live here. In the afternoon, you will take part enjoy a boat trip along the coast and islands. 

Day 7: Travel to Kigali, the capital of Rwanda through the beautiful volcanic landscapes of Uganda and Rwanda. Depending on the departure time of your flight, you can visit the Genocide Museum, the great remarkable market in Rwanda and  the Palace before your guide takes you to the international airport of Kigali.

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