Urlaub in Uganda

Travel around Uganda

Uganda has been previously established by Winston Churchill as the ‘Pearl of Africa’, and it can quite rightly be called so even today. 

The East African landlocked country offers its  visitors everything a travellor`s heart could desire, although Uganda has not been so overflown with tourists like its neighboring countries Kenya and Tanzania.

Uganda is best known for its mountain gorillas, who live nowhere in the  world but here in two small areas in Eastern Africa. You will find them  at the slopes of the Virunga-Vulcanoes in the border area of Democratic Republic of Congo, Ruanda and Uganda, and  in Bwindi-Nationalpark in southwestern Uganda. Their habitat is the tropical mountain forests between 1800 and 4000 meters above sea level.

But Uganda is much more: Safari tours in savanna with numerous wild animals (including the famous “Big Five”) with a special charm, tropical rain forests, lakes, rivers and wetlands with the typical flora and fauna as well as mountains (up to more than 5100m) for hiking, climbing and mountain biking. Unlike the European Alps the mountains here are covered with plants  all year round  and offer a unique sight.

Last but not least, Uganda with more than 1000 species of birds is the ideal destination for bird watching. Even the very rare and shy Shoebill lives in the Mbamba Marshes with great probability to discover.

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